Staying Connected Through the Pandemic, 2021

Plans were underway for a busy ending to our 2019/2020 year when COVID-19 hit the world, our country, our province, our city and our WI in early March of 2020.  All in-person activities ceased, as well as any planned fund-raising events.  It didn’t take long, however, for us to figure out a way to stay connected, whether through phone calls or Zoom calls; and we resumed business as usual under COVID-19 in September.

July and flowers for our members

​One thing was truly important – we did not forget about each other and our community. So, in July two of our members picked up and delivered bouquets of flowers to everyone in our group whom we could reach (including our honorary members). The brightness of their smiles and their gratitude was very evident.

August and the fair went on…but wait, it was upside down

In August, we participated in the Navan Fair Upside Down parade. Rather than having crowds lined up on the streets to watch the parade go by, the Ag Society organized an event where the public drove past all the tents, trailers, and wagons – from various organizations and businesses – that were located in the parking area of the Navan Fair grounds.  It was really fun to be part of this. The few members who were able to be in our booth were physically distanced and waved and spoke with many who came by. We were very lucky to pick up a new member as a result of the parade and she has been a great part of our group since.

Christmas was upside down too and we made the most of it

At Christmas, we had another special event.  We normally would get together to have an in-person Christmas party at a hall or a restaurant. Since this was impossible at that time, we decided to upside down it too, and a few of our members prepared boxed treats and delicious homemade chocolates, and members delivered to others so we could all share some cheese, crackers, nuts and with a glass of something at home while we talked, laughed and made a Christmas card with instructions from a local artist and former WI member.

In June & December – dedicated as ever to our community and to international initiatives & support

We continued to support an important community initiative, namely the Orleans/Cumberland Resource Centre with monetary donations in June and December. We gave a donation to a fund to support a local farmer who had been severely injured in a farm accident and donated to the Tanzania project in a small village where the father of one of our members was born and raised. We also provided funds to Pennies for Friendship, an international WI initiative.

Sadly, saying goodbye…

Sadly, we had to say good-bye to one of our long-standing and valuable WI members whose presence is missed so very much. Many people went by her home to say good-bye to our dear friend.

All in all, we had a productive, if strange, 2020/2021 year and are looking forward to things returning somewhat to normal once we have all received our vaccines.

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